The Eagle awards presented recently by the Central Florida Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors (CFC ABC) provide for a grand opportunity. Actually, they provide for two, and we’re going to take this blogging opportunity to share both of them.
Before we do that, though, there’s this for background:
Each year, the Orlando-based CFC ABC recognizes and celebrates outstanding projects built by its members, which we’re happy to say include Tucker Paving, Inc. An important goal of the awards competition is to raise the level of construction standards throughout the industry. It does this by recognizing the workmanship of those who contribute and by showcasing the results of their commitment.
Each project entry is evaluated by selected judges who represent a cross-section of the construction industry. The judges include local design professionals who either visit and tour each project or determine their score based on a presentation and awards-entry book.
The award entries — from both general contractors and specialty contractors — are judged on execution of design, quality of craftsmanship, attention to detail, proper installation, outstanding planning and coordination efforts, challenges successfully overcome, project complexity, custom materials, safety program, and owner satisfaction.
As we happily reported on our social media sites ,Tucker Paving has added to its collection of prestigious Eagle (Excellence in Construction) awards for its work this past year on two new Universal Studios Orlando Resort projects — the massive Volcano Bay water park and the exciting Fast & Furious attraction.
Team Tucker Paving was pleased, proud, and very honored to accept the two Eagle awards during the 31st Annual CFC ABC Awards Presentation Banquet, held Oct. 20, 2018, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando. Our two winning projects were among 95 selected to receive the Eagle Award, the ABC chapter’s highest recognition.
And now, for the opportunities we mentioned at the top of this column:
First, we wish to sincerely thank the management of Universal Studios Orlando Resort for continuing to entrust Tucker Paving with its resort projects. Volcano Bay and Fast & Furious were awesome jobs. They weren’t the first Universal Orlando expansion and renovation projects we’ve worked on, and we certainly hope the future has more for us.
Secondly, and most importantly, we want to thank all of our Tucker Paving team members who had a role in one or both of these award-winning projects. We’re so proud of all of our team members for their dedication, professionalism, commitment to quality, and fantastic work.
Tucker Paving, Inc., gets its name engraved on the CFC ABC Eagle awards, but its the entire team that gets the credit.