Road construction is a dangerous business, for road construction workers and those traveling through road construction zones alike. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 956 work zone traffic fatalities in 2021, with the majority of those deaths being drivers and passengers. Similarly, data from The National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse (an American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) Transportation Development Foundation project that works with the U.S. Federal Highway Administration and others) shows there were 94 fatal worker injuries at road construction sites in 2022, with a little over 50% of those fatalities coming from workers on foot being struck by a vehicle. MOT, or Maintenance of Traffic, is aimed at keeping such crashes from occurring in road construction work zones.
MOT Defined
MOT is any of the traffic controls and activities that are utilized in and around a road construction work zone to create temporary conditions that aim to provide safe travel paths and work areas in order to keep both workers, those in vehicles, and pedestrians safe.
Since each road construction zone is different, the MOT features used for each road construction work site will be different. MOT features include markings on the pavement, barriers, traffic cones, road construction signage, traffic signals, lighting, flaggers, walkways, bicycle lanes, and even drainage.
MOT Characteristics
While the MOT for a road construction work zone should be tailored to the site, which is called a Maintenance of Traffic Plan, there are characteristics and considerations that are similar for all MOT. Most MOT plans will be based off information found in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Characteristics and considerations include:
- All forms of public travel in a work zone need to be considered and planned for, and different types of roadways will have different forms of public travel. Highway MOT will need to plan for personal vehicles, large commercial vehicles like semi-trucks, and motorcycles, while work done on a city street will need to plan for personal vehicles, buses, bicycles, and pedestrians.
- MOT zones should set driver expectations as much as possible, especially in striving to use features that resemble those found on that particular roadway as much as possible.
- MOT must consider driver visibility and a driver’s available sight distance, especially with the differences between daytime and nighttime traffic conditions.
- A MOT plan should address all foreseeable issues to minimize delays and incidents as much as possible.
We have almost 30 years of experience in the asphalt and concrete paving industry, and the safety of our employees is our first priority on every jobsite! We complete projects for residential, commercial, and municipal clients. Contact us by calling (863) 299-2262, or use our contact form online. How can we help you with your next concrete or asphalt paving project?