TUCKER PAVING INC. is a private business that often provides services for public entities, such as towns and cities, counties, school systems, and the state of Florida. So, in some way on almost every business day throughout the year, we have a role in building and maintaining the Sunshine State’s transportation system. And, like the state itself, that system is big.

Here, direct from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) — we know this department well — are some key and interesting numbers and facts about Florida’s transportation system.

• Highway miles — 122,659
• Commercial airports — 20
• Spaceports — 2 (You might have thought there was just one. There are 10 launch facilities.)
• Urban transit systems — 31
• Seaports — 15
• Rail corridor miles — 2,895
• Growth trend — Florida is the nation’s third most populous state.
• Visitors to Florida — 107 million annually
• Florida economy — The 16th largest economy in the world.
• Tons of freight moved — 743 million
• Bridges — 12,262 (6,836 state owned, 5,132 local owned, and 294 other owned)
• Bicycle facilities (on the state system) — 7,418 miles
• Pedestrian facilities (on the state system) — 3,627 miles
• Waterway corridors — 2,890 miles
• Airports — 779 total (128 public use, 651 private use)
• Auto vehicle miles traveled — 2017 billion (2015)
• Airline passengers — 161 million (2015)
• Public transit passengers — 271 million (2014)
• Florida Amtrak passengers — 950,000 (2016)
• Cruise line passengers — 15.2 million (2015)
• Rail cargo — 83 million tons (2014)
• Seaport cargo — 103 million tons (2015)
• Spaceport launches — 17 (2015)
• Transportation construction projects completed on time — 87 percent
• Transportation construction projects completed within budget — 90 percent
• Economic impact of transportation projects — A $4.40 benefit for each $1 in cost

These facts and many more are presented in a very nice way in a four-page PDF presentation the FDOT released in December. You can download your own copy of the PDF at www.fdot.gov/planning/fastfacts.pdf.

On the Web: www.aboutfdot.org