Florida is a hotbed for sinkholes, thanks to the limestone and dolostone rock that is so prevalent in the layers of rock that make up The Sunshine State. These are carbonate rocks made of the mineral calcium carbonate, which means that it is dissolvable in water. When the rock dissolves, it leaves pockets within the rock. These pockets can cave in and become sinkholes. If a sinkhole opens near the foundation of your home, it could cause damage to your house and property and put your family at risk. See the signs of sinkholes and take the steps necessary to protect your investment and your family.
Signs of Sinkholes
Call in specialists if you see any of the signs of sinkholes below:
- Depression in the ground. Any depressions in your yard, especially if they are new or growing bigger, are a significant sign for sinkholes.
- Cracks in your foundation. Cracks or buckling in your home’s foundation, or even the driveway, could be signs of a sinkhole.
- Odd settling of your home. As they age, homes naturally settle, but it’s usually not a noticeable thing. If your home is leaning, the floors are uneven or separating, or if you see cracks in your home’s drywall, especially horizontal cracks, then it could be a sign that the foundation has extreme settling; a sinkhole could be to blame.
- Dead grass or plants. Not all dead green matter is caused by a sinkhole, but it could be. Keep tabs on any dead spots in your landscape.
- Sinkhole in the area. If a sinkhole has occurred nearby, such as in a neighbor’s yard, then it makes it much more likely that another could form nearby—including in your yard.
- History of sinkholes. Again, if a sinkhole has occurred in the past on your property, then it’s much more likely that a sinkhole will form again.
- Landscape or hardscape features tilt or fall. If landscape or hardscape—such as trees and bushes, or fencing and posts—lean or fall, then it’s possible there is a sinkhole creating upheaval in the ground.
If you suspect that you have a sinkhole on your property, then you need to contact your homeowner’s insurance and find a company that specializes in sinkhole remediation. They can assess your property and recommend a plan of action. Obviously, it’s better to prevent a sinkhole than to correct one that has already formed.
At Tucker Paving, we pride ourselves in having the skill, expertise, and know-how to deliver projects with top efficiency and quality, no matter the size! We have nearly three decades in the asphalt and concrete paving industry. Contact us by calling (863) 299-2262, or fill out our contact form online, to let us help you with your next asphalt paving project!